Mamre SDA Church

There's no place like Mamre

Single Adult Ministries


Mamre's Single Adult Ministry is geared towards bringing together other Seventh-day Adventist singles through both spiritual and social events. The Ministry fosters active participation in Christ-centered services that will enable us to reach out to each other, as well as to those in need in the wider community.  

Bible study and personal spiritual growth  are priority. We organize small groups like Bible home fellowship or midweek meetings where singles are invited to share as together we grow as Disciples of Christ.

The Singles Ministry organizes social events that promote networking with believers in other congregations.  Some of the events hosted by this ministry include prayer breakfasts, banquet functions, mix and mingles, and field trips.

The ministry continues to look for ways to help our congregation and leaders develop a nonjudgmental, open and accepting attitude, and focus on how to minister to singles in various situations  that occur in their lives. As an active ministry, we work with the pastor and other worship teams to ensure singles are part of the worship service of the church.  Activities are publicized through the church bulletin and website or by personal contact made by the Singles Ministry Leader.